Nature Preservation

Written on February 6, 2019

The Earth is the only planet that so far can be inhabited due to its provision of animals, plants, and microorganism which help humans thriving on the world to the current modern era. However, human culture nowadays does not seem to sustain nature. We keep polluting, hunting, exploiting, and giving nothing in return. If the current trends continue, floras and faunas will be lost forever. We are highly responsible for sea level rise, ozone depletion, and the worst, deaths of marine animals. Thus, this dire situation of bio-declining needs to be fixed by us.
Why us? Isn't there many nature activists and organization to preserve the Earth? Well, those people in charge will not be able to change the Earth themselves. Everyone else is obligated to comprehend that they matter so much to the present and future nature. Besides, we have been polluting that continues to global warming and brings it to a more extreme situation of climate change. Those things are awful enough to make us want to step in to protect as much as wilderness as we can.
Then, how are we supposed to preserve nature? In what possible way could we do that? The main focus of my nature preservation idea is doing small things yet impactful. I believe that having them as habits on a daily basis is advantageous and efficacious, let alone when people in this world can do it simultaneously. Additionally, we have all the ability to change natural resources which can be either destroyed or preserved. I hope you would rather do the second option. In that case, here are two simple yet impactful things you can do to protect the Earth.
1.      Live with less plastic
Plastic is ubiquitous although it impairs nature and even kills organisms. It clogs up street drains, it floats around the ocean, and it wipes out marine animals. All we need to do is reducing the amount of plastic we use. For instance, carry your own cutlery, bring reusable water bottles and cut down your straw usage. Certainly, no one can do it all at once. But we can all get started now.
2.      Drive less
Car exhausts emit a wide range of gases and solid matter, causing global warming, acid rain, and harming the environment and human health. Therefore, cycling, walking, or taking mass transportation are the best option of commuting while decreasing air pollution.
Those two things mentioned are just a foundation to establish an eco-friendly day-to-day lifestyle. Adapting these activities as routines is tough. But remember, one primary reason for preserving nature is it provides us with daily, natural sustenance: food, water, oxygen, and so on.
Preserving nature means preserving the future. In addition, nature needs to survive in order to keep us alive. No matter how small or insignificant your actions may seem, they matter.
Ask yourself this question, what type of world do you want to leave for your future family? Future generations may face dangers due to problems caused by us. We do not want to pass on to the generation a wasteland environment. At least I don't, do you?

Aspenclean: The Environmental Dangers of Using Cleaning Products
Forbes: Five Ways That Plastics Harm the Environment
EEU: How do human activities contribute to climate change and how do they compare with natural influences?
Wikipedia: Human impact on the environment


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