Trapped In The Juncture of Brief and Sentimental Trip

September 25, 2018

It was the time when I got to get up so early that I'd waken up before the rooster did. The mixed feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction because I'm going to go on a school trip to Jogja with my dull friends. But also deep abomination due to the homesick that I'd supposed I would feel later on eventually when I got there.

Without further talking about how stupid excited I was back then, I would like to describe how exquisite Jogja was when I visited there and what such a divine city Jogja is in general.

Firstly, when we're talking about trips to Jogja, when could we forget the world renowned Candi Borobudur? And how couldn't we resist to list it in our itinerary? So, the first attraction that I visited while back was Candi Borobudur. However, Candi Borobudur is not exactly located in Jogja, the precise position of it is in Magelang, Central Java. It was originally built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty. The design blends the Indonesian indigenous cult of ancestor worship and the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana.

As we know, Candi Borobudur is the world's largest Buddhist temple. The Borobudur complex is tremendously vast and taking tour around there took pretty much energy in my body. According to Wikipedia, the temple consists of nine stacked platforms, six square and three circular, topped by a central dome. It is decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The central dome is surrounded bu 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa.

In addition, the view from the peak of Candi Borobudur is incredibly breath-taking. It was such a gorgeous view that I didn't want to go back downstairs. Even the sunlight was blazing, I enjoyed every moment I spent on top.

Secondly, I would like to describe Mount Merapi. No, my friends and I sadly didn't hike up there. We still had some fun, though. A lot of them, actually.It is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has erupted regularly since 1548. It is located approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) north of Yogyakarta city with the peak as high as 2,930 m above sea level

We took an amazing and dusty trip around Merapi complex. Ranging from  Museum Sisa Hartaku, Makam Mbah Marijan, and Bunker Kaliadem. These places are not just hold some attraction it also buries a lot of valuable remembrances relating tragedies happened in the past. The authenticity of every item collected there. Furthermore, they got excellent scenery that I enjoyed every little thing I spent there.

I've been to Jogja three times now and I realized how the people you go with affected how the trip would go. This last trip to Jogja might be my fave, it also the last trip I spent with my friends in Middle School.

Here are a bit of moments that I captured while back:


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