Artemis: An Expedition to Bring Triumphant

In the ancient Greek religion and myth, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, the Moon, and chastity. On this particular event, we adapt the name Artemis as the title of our event. Artemis is an expedition-based competition in which participants need to complete all challenges given in each point in a group consist of 5 people. Participants are all required to build firm teamworking, clear communication, and master a fair amount of information about Greek Mythology, Renassaince Art, Romantic Art and Sculpture.


The authenticity and beauty of Greek History and some aspects revolving around, including Renassaince Art, Romantic Art and Sculpture.


Yosemite National Park, California, United States.

Event Date

March 25, 2020 (Greek Independence Day)

The Committees

Event Development Committee Chair : Christopher Nolan
Event Development Committee Co-Chair : Spike Jonze
Logistics Chair : Quentin Tarantino
Ceremonies Chair : Olivia Wilde
Activities & Entertainment Chair : Ari Aster
Registration, Data & Accounting Chair : Greta Gerwig
Food/Hospitality Chair : Tamara Jenkins

09.00                                     Participants arrived at venue
10.00-11.00                         Opening Ceremony
11.00-12.00                         Technical guidance + Lunch
12.00-13.30                         First Station/Game
13.30-15.00                         Second Station/Game
15.00-16.00                         Break 
16.00-17.30                         Third Station/Game
17.30-19.00                         Fourth Station/Game
19.00-20.00                         Closing ceremony

Event Breakdown

General Rule

In each station, there will be a topic about Greek Mythology, Renassaince Art, Romantic Art and Sculpture. Every participant needs to answer all of the questions correctly. For any incorrect answer, one point will be reduced.
1.       Participants are not allowed to bring their cellphones.
2.       Participants are not allowed to bring any form of references regarding topics metioned above.
3.       Participants are required to come 30 minutes early to the venue.
4.       Participants dress as creative as possible with the theme of Greek Mythology.

*For answering essay question, participants will be given 15 minutes to concept their points and they are given 5 minutes to answer the question in a form of a speech.

Station Distribution
1.       Station I               :               Greek Mythology
2.       Station II              :               Renassaince Art
3.       Station III             :               Romantic Art
4.       Station IV            :               Sculpture

1st Winner           :               3 Days Trip to Athens
2nd Winner          :               $1000 USD
3rd Winner           :               $750 USD


1. All participants need to group that consist of 5 people.
2. The competition is only intended for students aged 14-18 years old.
3. All participants need to bring additional drink for themselves. Lunch and snacks are provided in the competition.
4. Competition Fee : $20 USD / Group

Register your team now!
Contact Person : Drew Tanner 08123456789


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