
Showing posts from August, 2019

Trapped In The Juncture of Brief and Sentimental Trip

September 25, 2018 It was the time when I got to get up so early that I'd waken up before the rooster did. The mixed feeling of enjoyment and satisfaction because I'm going to go on a school trip to Jogja with my dull friends. But also deep abomination due to the homesick that I'd supposed I would feel later on eventually when I got there. Without further talking about how stupid excited I was back then, I would like to describe how exquisite Jogja was when I visited there and what such a divine city Jogja is in general. Firstly, when we're talking about trips to Jogja, when could we forget the world renowned Candi Borobudur? And how couldn't we resist to list it in our itinerary? So, the first attraction that I visited while back was Candi Borobudur. However, Candi Borobudur is not exactly located in Jogja, the precise position of it is in Magelang, Central Java. It was originally built in the 9th century during the reign of the Sailendra Dynasty. T

Nature Preservation

Written on February 6, 2019 The Earth is the only planet that so far can be inhabited due to its provision of animals, plants, and microorganism which help humans thriving on the world to the current modern era. However, human culture nowadays do es not seem to sustain nature. We keep polluting, hunting, exploiting, and giving nothing in return. If the current trends continue, floras and faunas will be lost forever. We are highly responsible for sea level rise, ozone depletion, and the worst, death s of marine animals. Thus, this dire situation of bio-declining needs to be fixed by us. Why us? Isn't there many nature activists and organization to preserve the Earth? Well, those people in charge will not be able to change the Earth themselves. Everyone else is obligated to comprehend that they matter so much to the present and future nature. Besides, we have been polluting that continues to global warming and brings it to a more extreme situation of climate change. Those

English Conversation Task

Conversation: Congratulate & Compliment Watch the video through  this link Dea         : Hi, I haven’t seen you in three days. Have you been very busy? Davina   : Yes, my schedule has been very hectic lately. Dea         : Really? What are you working on? Davina   : I got to stay in the quarantine to prepare my Invention Competition Dea         : Oh, that competition! I heard you won. Congratulations! Davina   : Yes, I won. Thank you so much! Well, it took a lot of hard work. And while I’m away, what happened in school? Dea         : There’s no something special, just a history exam. Davina   : History exam? It must be really hard. Dea         : Actually, it’s not that hard. I got 98. Davina   : 98 for history exam? You gotta be kidding me! And congratulations, you really did a great job. Dea         : Thank you. By the way, what did you prepare for your competition? Davina   : I made an oxygen and carbon dioxide level indicator for car. Dea         : Wh

The Importance of Reading Books

Written on August 17, 2018 Reading book is the first step to expand your mind and change the way you live. You will be pleasantly surprised to find out that reading has numerous positive effects on your emotional, intellectual and psychological state of mind. There is much proven scientific research about the benefits of reading books from different kinds of study. Nevertheless, books are frequently neglected. In 2016, a Central Connecticut State University study put Indonesia’s literacy rate at the second worst among the world' s 61 most literate nations, only higher than Botswana. Why are we in this miserable literacy rank? Generally, there are two reasons. Firstly, a lack of opportunity to read. Let’s take a look at the data. In 147,503 primary schools, we only have 28,137 libraries in good condition, that’s only 31%. In addition, the number of bookstores is also much lower compared to the vastness of the country. Therefore, how would people develop some reading intere

Is Alien Real?

Written on February 2, 2018 The observable universe is about ninety billion light-years in diameter and at least one hundred billion galaxies. There are probably trillions of habitable planets in the universe. It means there should be lots of chances for life to develop and exist. From a tiny microorganism to enormous aliens that are dangerous could live outside the earth. But, where are they? This powerful argument became known as Fermi Paradox. In my opinion, the lack of evidence doesn’t make us hard to believe extraterrestrial life because the probability is too high to be disbelieved. Also, being stubborn to consider we are alone in the entire universe means that we doubt about the vastness of the universe. Well, an Earth-like planet could be rare. But, it is improbable if there is not any civilization or at least “things” outside the earth because there are billions of galaxies. There’s a hypothesis asserts that alien civilizations certainly exist, but they’re simply in